Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Dear readers of this blog,
The end is not just in sight, the end is here. I regret to inform you all that I will not be posting here in the near future. It's been a pleasure to share my favorite music with all of you - thank you for the comments; special thanks to those who linked to my blog. I hope you found at least something here worth your time.
I will continue to maintain the links. If you find a dead link, leave me a comment, and I will fix it.

And for now, I will grab my iPod and my kalashnikov and wander off to the desert.


  1. другими вещами занимаюсь
    долго рассказывать; может в жж как-нибудь напишу
    этот блог с самого начала задумывался как ограниченный во времени
    now is as good a time to end it as any other

  2. Sad to see you go, you had some excellent music, I really dug the 4 CD Italian set, that was wonderful, and man other things. Post if and when you feel like it.

  3. большой респект!!!
    жаль что всё когда-нибудь заканчивается... успехов!

  4. I just discovered your blog and I thanks you for the quality of the presentation, the humour and the various kind of music.
    Perhaps another time?
    goodbye from France

  5. What a hard fact to absorb on discovering this treasuredungeon of excellent music. You have great taste, some very interesting things here for afficionado's of almost any genre. My compliments and good luck with whatever other endeavours that you might undertake. Thank you.

  6. it's the end my friend
    it's the end sweet friend of mine
    hold my hand for just a second bfor the end ok....
